Francis Ford Coppola - translation to Αγγλικά
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Francis Ford Coppola - translation to Αγγλικά

Francis Coppola; Coppola, Francis Ford; Francis Ford Coppola Presents; Ff coppola; List of Francis Ford Coppola films; Godfather of Wine; Ford coppola; FF Coppola; Francis Ford Copola; User:Rusted AutoParts/Megalopolis (film)
  • upright
  • upright
  • Coppola in 1976
  • Coppola at the [[1996 Cannes Film Festival]]
  • ''Palazzo Margherita'' in [[Bernalda]], owned by Coppola
  • Coppola (left) and [[Petro Vlahos]]

Francis Ford Coppola         
n. Francis Ford Coppola (amerikaans regisseur,scenario schrijver en producer)
Gerald Ford         
  • Governor [[Ronald Reagan]] congratulates President Ford after the president successfully wins the 1976 Republican nomination, while [[Bob Dole]], [[Nancy Reagan]], and [[Nelson Rockefeller]] look on.
  • Cabinet]], 1975
  • Reaction immediately after the second assassination attempt
  • presidential debate]], September 23, 1976
  • 70px
  • 1976 electoral vote results
  • Vladivostok Summit]], November 1974.
  • Chief Justice]] [[Warren Burger]] in the White House [[East Room]], while Betty Ford looks on.
  • Ford in 1916
  • House Judiciary Subcommittee]] hearing in reference to his pardon of Richard Nixon.
  • center]] on the university of [[Michigan Wolverines football]] team, 1933
  • Michigan's 5th district]]
  • Ford with [[Anwar Sadat]] in Salzburg, 1975
  • The Fords on their wedding day, October 15, 1948
  • 6}}, 1943. Ford is second from the right, in the front row.
  • The [[Warren Commission]] (Ford 4th from left) presents its report to President Johnson (1964).
  • Ford [[lying in state]] in the Capitol rotunda
  • Gerald and Betty Ford with the President and First Lady [[Pat Nixon]] after President Nixon nominated Ford to be vice president, October 13, 1973
  • Ford at his 90th birthday with [[Laura Bush]], President [[George W. Bush]], and Betty Ford in the White House [[State Dining Room]] in 2003
  • Ford joins President [[Bill Clinton]] and former presidents [[George H. W. Bush]] and Jimmy Carter onstage at the dedication of the [[George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum]] at [[Texas A&M University]], November 6, 1997.
  • Liberty]], in the [[Oval Office]], 1974
  • Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ford in the Oval Office, 1975
  • President [[George W. Bush]] with Ford and his wife Betty on April 23, 2006
  • Ford and his daughter Susan watch as [[Henry Kissinger]] (right) shakes hands with [[Mao Zedong]], December 2, 1975.
  • On July 16, 1980 (day 3 of the [[1980 Republican National Convention]]) Gerald Ford consults with [[Bob Dole]], [[Howard Baker]] and [[Bill Brock]] before ultimately making a decision to decline the offer to serve as Ronald Reagan's running mate.
  • Countries visited by Ford during his presidency
  • [[John Paul Stevens]], Ford's only Supreme Court appointment
  • Congressman Gerald Ford, MSFC director [[Wernher von Braun]], Congressman [[George H. Mahon]], and NASA Administrator [[James E. Webb]] visit the [[Marshall Space Flight Center]] for a briefing on the Saturn program, 1964.
Gerald Rudolph Ford; Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; Gerald R Ford; Leslie Lynch King Jr.; Jerry Ford; Gerald R. Ford, Jr.; Gerry Ford; President Gerald Ford; Leslie Lynch King Jr; Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.; 38th President of the United States; Gerald Rudolph, Jr. Ford; Leslie Lynch King, Jr; Michael Gerald Ford; John Gardner Ford; Gerald Ford, Jr.; Birth and life of Gerald Ford; President Ford; Gerald ford; Gerald R. Ford, Jr; John (Jack) Gardner Ford; Gerald fod; Vice President Ford; Leslie L King; Ford shooting; Gerald R. Ford; President Gerald R. Ford; U.S. President Gerald Ford; Leslie King, Jr.; Leslie King, Jr; Gerald R. Ford Jr.; Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr.; Ford, Gerald; Thirty-eighth President of the United States; 40th Vice President of the United States; Fortieth Vice President of the United States; VP Ford; List of things named after Gerald Ford; There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a Ford administration.; Vice Presidency of Gerald Ford; Gereld Ford; Leslie King Jr.; Leslie L. King Jr.; Gerald Ford Jr.; Public image of Gerald Ford; 38th President of America; 38th President of USA; 38th President of the US; 38th President of the USA; 38th President of the United States of America; 38th U.S. President; 38th U.S.A. President; 38th US President; 38th USA President; POTUS 38; POTUS38
n. Gerald Ford (de 38 president van amerika)
Francis Crick         
  • date=October 2011}} Crick predicted that such adaptor molecules might exist as the links between [[codon]]s and [[amino acid]]s.
  • Collagen triple helix.
  • Caius College]], in Cambridge, commemorating Francis Crick and representing the double helical structure of [[B-DNA]].
  • National Science Museum]] in London.
  • Diagram that emphasises the phosphate backbone of DNA. Watson and Crick first made helical models with the phosphates at the centre of the helices.
  • anti-parallel]].
  • Results from an [[fMRI]] experiment in which people made a conscious decision about a visual stimulus. The small region of the brain coloured orange shows patterns of activity that correlate with the decision making process. Crick stressed the importance of finding new methods to probe human brain function.
Francis Harry Compton Crick; F.H.C. Crick; Francis C. Crick; Francis H.C. Crick; F. H. C. Crick; Francis H. C. Crick
n. Francis Crick, (1914-2004) Engelse bionatuurkundige, winnaar van de 1962 Nobel Prijs in Fysiologie voor zijn ontdekking van de dubbele helicoidale structuur van DNA (samen met James Watson)


·vi A stream; a current.
II. Ford ·vt To pass or cross, as a river or other water, by wading; to wade through.
III. Ford ·vi A place in a river, or other water, where it may be passed by man or beast on foot, by wading.


Francis Ford Coppola

Francis Ford Coppola ( KOH-pəl-ə, Italian: [ˈkɔppola]; born April 7, 1939) is an American film director, producer, and screenwriter. He is considered one of the major figures of the New Hollywood filmmaking movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Coppola is the recipient of five Academy Awards, six Golden Globe Awards, two Palmes d'Or and a British Academy Film Award (BAFTA).

After directing The Rain People in 1969, Coppola co-wrote Patton (1970), which earned him the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay along with Edmund H. North. Coppola's reputation as a filmmaker was cemented with the release of The Godfather (1972), which revolutionized the gangster genre of filmmaking, receiving strong commercial and critical reception. The Godfather won three Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay (shared with Mario Puzo). The Godfather Part II (1974) became the first sequel to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. Highly regarded by critics, the film gained Coppola two more Academy Awards, for Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Director, making him the second director (after Billy Wilder) to win these three awards for the same film.

Also in 1974, he released the thriller The Conversation, which received the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. His next film, the war epic Apocalypse Now (1979), which had a notoriously lengthy and strenuous production, was widely acclaimed for vividly depicting the Vietnam War. It also won the Palme d'Or, making Coppola one of only nine filmmakers to have won the award twice. Other notable films Coppola has released since the start of the 1980s include the dramas The Outsiders and Rumble Fish (both 1983), The Cotton Club (1984), Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), The Godfather Part III (1990), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) and The Rainmaker (1997). Coppola has acted as producer on such diverse films as The Black Stallion (1979), The Escape Artist (1982), Hammett (1982), Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985) and The Secret Garden (1993).

Many of Coppola's relatives and children have become popular actors and filmmakers in their own right: his sister Talia Shire is an actress, his daughter Sofia is a director, his son Roman is a screenwriter, and his nephews Jason Schwartzman and Nicolas Cage are actors. Coppola resides in Napa, California, and since the 2010s has been a vintner, owning a family-branded winery and a winery of his own.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Francis Ford Coppola
1. Francis Ford Coppola and Gore Vidal co–wrote the screenplay.
2. Now, Nicolas happens to be the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, who was directing the film.
3. Paul Schrader directed the movie, while George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola were executive producers.
4. Veteran film director Francis Ford Coppola has launched a blistering attack on three of the great actors he has directed.
5. Movie director Francis Ford Coppola is 6'. TV personality David Frost is 6'. Singer Patricia Bennett (The Chiffons) is 61.